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LIBYA diserang gara-gara zun laranga terbang yang dikuatkuasakan Majlis Keselamatan P-B-B.Amerika Syarikat dan sekutunmya melancarkan serangan besar-besaran ke atas negara pengeluar minyak terbesar dunia itu dua hari lalu, 19 Mac.Apakah tindakan ketenteraan tergesa-gesa itu wajar?Menurut laporan awal 52 orang rakyat Libya terbunuh dan beratus-ratus lagi cedera.
Tentera bersekutu diketuai Amerika Syarikat melepaskan bedilan peluru berpandu Tomahawk ke atas kedudukan tentera Libya.Senjata itu pernah digunakan ketika perang teluk dan serangan ke atas Iraq pada 1991 dan 2003 .
Libya kini sedang berada diambang kemusnahan.Tindakan Amerika Syarikat dan sekutunya Britain dan Peranchis itu amat sukar diterima dan boleh dikatakan terburu-buru.Apakah muslihat Washington?Libya adalah antara anegara pengeluar minyak terbesar dunia.Krisis di Libya merungsingkan Amerika Syariikat.Harga minyak mentah di Amerika naik hingga 3,5% 17 Mac lalu ekoran ketegangan di Libya dan Asia Barat.Dagangan minyak mentah turun hingga di bawah 500.000 lot dan sebagai angka terendah sejak 3 Januari lalu.Harga minyak di New York Mercantile Exchange naik 3,5% menjadi lebih 100 dolar satu tong.Di london minyak Mentah Brent untuk pengiriman Mei naik 3,9% menjadi 115 dolar Amerika.Apakah ini antara punca Libya diserang?
Zun larangan terbang dikenakana ke atas negara itu selepas Presiden Muammar Gaddafi dituduh kuasa Barat sengaja tidak mematuhi ketetapan Majlis Keselamatan PBB.Gaddafi dikatakan melancarkan serangan ke atas pemberontak Libya dan membunuh ramai orang awam dalam usahanya mempertahankan kuasa .Pemberontakan Libya 2011 kemuncak bantahan anti-kerajaan yang bermula pada 15 Februari 2011.Pemberontakan itu diilhamkan oleh peristiwa seumpamanya di Mesir dan Tunisia.Ia berpusat di dua bandaraya terbesar di Libya, iaitu ibu kota Tripoli Barat dan Benghazi di Timur.
Pada 18 Februari, kumpulan pemberontak yang dioskong Barat menawan hampir seluruh Benghazi dengan sokongan polis dan unit tentera yang berpaling tadah.Regim Gaddafi bertindak balas dengan menghantar tentera elit dan askar upahan yang ditentang hebat oleh penduduk Benghazi dan tentera yang berpaling tadah lebih 200 orang terkorban..
Pada 21 Februari, jet-jet pejuang tentera udara Libya mengebom kumpulan pemberontak dan kawasan awam di Tripoli sehingga menceuskan kecaman antarabangsa.
Kanada, Amerika Syarikat, Jepun, Australia, Britain , Perancis, Jordan, dan Rusia mengenakan sekatan terhadap Gaddafi.Majlis Keselamatan PBB meluluskan Resolusi 1970 untuk membekukan aset-aset Gaddafi dan 10 orang pembantu kananya serta ahli keluarga dan merujukkan rejim Gaddafi untuk disiasat oleh Mahkamah Jenayah Antarabangsa.
Pada 17 Mac, Majlis Keselamatan PBB meluluskan Resolusi 1973 untuk membenarkan negara-negara anggota menguatkuasakan perintah larangan terbang di Libya.Resolusi itu menjelaskan serangan jika perlu tetapi bukan di tempat awam.
Muammar Gaddafi memerintah Libya selepas menggulingkan sistem beraja pada tahun 1969 ekoran pesaraan Fidel Castro pada tahun 2008 dan kematian Omar Bongo pada tahun 2009Gaddafi ialah ketua negara bukan raja yang paling lama memerintah di dunia..Dari aspek sejarah Libya dibentuk pada 24 Disember 1951.Raja Idris I bertindak sebagai pemimpin negara minyak ituBeberapa negara Eropah termasuk Itali cuba untuk merebut Libya dan menjadikannya wilayah jajahan.Tetapi, Libya mendapat kemerdekaan dan kebebasan setelah Itali menyerah kalah kepada Tentera Bersekutu dalam Perang Dunia Kedua.
Libya adalah negara yang mempunyai KDNK tertinggi di Afrika hasil simpanan minyaknya yang besar- YUNUS ALIAS.
sila baca rencana ini yang dihantar oleh peminat blog ini yang menamakan diri sbagai AGT40.Saya siarkan tanpa sebarang suntingan -
To all the people of world
The people in Egypt are under governmental siege. Mubarak regime is banning Facebook, Twitter, and all other popular internet sites Now, the internet are completely blocked in Egypt. Tomorrow the government will block the 3 mobile phone network will be completely blocked. And there is news that even the phone landlines will be cut tomorrow, to prevent any news agency from following what will happen.
Suez city is already under siege now. The government cut the water supply and electricity, people, including, children and elderly are suffering there now. The patients in hospitals cannot get urgent medical care. The injured protesters are lying in the streets and the riot police are preventing people from helping them. The families of the killed protesters cannot get the bodies of their sons to bury them. This picture is the same in north Saini (El-Sheikh zoyad city) and in western Egypt (Al-salom). The riot police is cracking down on protesters in Ismailia, Alexandria, Fayoum, Shbin Elkoum, and Cairo, the capital, in many neighborhoods across the city.
The government is preparing to crackdown on the protesters in all Egyptian cities. They are using tear gas bombs, rubber and plastic pullets, chemicals like dilutes mustard gas against protesters. Several protesters today have been killed when the armored vehicles of the riot police hit them. Officials in plain clothes carrying blades and knives used to intimidate protesters. Thugs deployed by the Egyptian Ministry of Interior are roaming the streets of Cairo, setting fire on car-wheels as means of black propaganda to demonize protesters and justify police beatings and state torture
All this has been taken place over the past three days during the peaceful demonstrations in Cairo and other cities. Now, with the suspicious silence of the local media and the lack of coverage from the international media, Mubarak and his gang are blocking all the channels that can tell the world about what is happening.
People who call for their freedom need your support and help. Will you give them a hand?
The activists are flooding the net (youtube and other sites) with thousands of pictures and videos showing the riot police firing on armless people. The police started to use ammunition against protesters. 15-year old girl has been injured and another 25 year old man has been shot in the mouth. While nothing of these has appeared in the media, there is more to happen tomorrow. Will you keep silent? Will you keep your mouth shut while seeing all these cruelty and inhumane actions?
We don’t ask for much, just broadcast what is happening- by Agt40(?)..



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T he results of a  survey carried out in 1976 (FAO 1980) revealed that out of a total of 12,325,208 hectares of land in Sarawak, 26% was cultivated in various crops. Twenty-three percent of this 26% was under shifting cultivation, 0.4% in wet rice, and 2.5% in various tree crops (rubber, pepper, cocoa, fruit trees, etc.) At any given time, large areas of land under shifting cultivation were left fallow and were held under native rights based on customary law or adat. The Iban farm over 69% of the total area cultivated, and accounted for 47% of all holdings. The Chinese farm 8% of the area and accounted for 16% of the holdings, and the Bidayuh farm 16% of the area and had a total of 11% of the holdings. The Malay and Melanau farm almost 6% and 4% of the area respectively, and accounted for 15% and 6% of the holdings. Sarawak Land Code (SLC: Part II, page 27), (3) customary rights to land could only be created prior to 1 January 1958 in accordance with the native customary la...


Ada yang bertanya RACIK TU APA?   srikandi cinta  said... racik tu ape?? Racik juga bermaksud jerat ayam hutan..lihat foto ini:  Salam pertemuan. Racik -satu lagi medan 'bicara' menemui anda.Mengapa Racik ? Racik   mempunyai makna yang luas dan saya pilih untuk medan ini supaya ia benar-benar menepati hasrat dan tujuan medan ini diwujudkan.Mengikut kamus Dewan Edisi Ketiga,   Racik   bermakna menghiris,memotong,menyayat atau merajang tipis-tipis. Biasanya apabila sesuatu dihiris tipis-tipis, ia bertujuan untuk mudah dimasak,dimakan,,ditelan dan diluahkan! Itulah sebenarnya   Racik .Bahan yang bakal dihidangkan sudah dihalusi,ditapisi dan diamati oleh penulisnya.Ia bertujuan memberikan maklumat bermanfaat,berilmu dan bertanggungjawab.Ia mudah diluahkan ............ Di mana   Racik   akan ditakhtakan?Hakikatnya   Racik   akan bersama dengan Blogers yang lain untuk merancakkan dunia melalui media internet yang semakin maju...


Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin will face off on November 20 as both set out to prove their party is the most popular among Malay voters. Barring any last-minute agreement between Umno and Bersatu to work together, the Melaka state election will be a do-or-die battle that foreshadows a bleak outcome for the loser not only in the general election, but also in terms of its long-term survival. Najib will helm the campaign for Barisan Nasional (BN), while Muhyiddin will lead Bersatu-led Perikatan Nasional (PN), in the fight over 17 Malay-majority seats.The Melaka state has 28 seats.In the last GE PH won 15 seats while UMNO/BN 13 seats.The STATE ASSeMBLY was dissolved on October 14 after four elected representatives withdrew support for Chief Minister .SPR fixed election on October 20 while nominations day on October 8 . Perikatan Nasional said they will contest all 28 seats while UMNO/BN yet to announce its stand.PH will eye 20 seats with Amanah.