Siapakah pemimpin politik Malaysia yang cuba dilindungi dalam isu pendedahan
antarbangsa pndora papers itu? Beberapa pemimpin politik dan ahli perniagaan
Malaysia dikatakan memiliki akaun "tersorok" di kepulauan tax heaven .Pandora
Papers mengumpul 11.9 juta dokumen yang didakwa bocordan didedahkan oleh
kumpulan wartawan penyiasatan antarabangsa ICIJ pada 3 Oktober 2021.Mendedahkan
35 pemimpin terkemuka ,dunia,dan ahli politik dari Malaysia juga disebut
dinamakan sebagai memiliki akauan rahsia dengan nilai ratusan bilion
ringgit.Wang yang banyak itu disimpan di kepulauan British Virgin Island.
T he results of a survey carried out in 1976 (FAO 1980) revealed that out of a total of 12,325,208 hectares of land in Sarawak, 26% was cultivated in various crops. Twenty-three percent of this 26% was under shifting cultivation, 0.4% in wet rice, and 2.5% in various tree crops (rubber, pepper, cocoa, fruit trees, etc.) At any given time, large areas of land under shifting cultivation were left fallow and were held under native rights based on customary law or adat. The Iban farm over 69% of the total area cultivated, and accounted for 47% of all holdings. The Chinese farm 8% of the area and accounted for 16% of the holdings, and the Bidayuh farm 16% of the area and had a total of 11% of the holdings. The Malay and Melanau farm almost 6% and 4% of the area respectively, and accounted for 15% and 6% of the holdings. Sarawak Land Code (SLC: Part II, page 27), (3) customary rights to land could only be created prior to 1 January 1958 in accordance with the native customary la...